• Editorial Board

  • Events - Call for Paper

    • Starting with 2011, two regularly issues per year are published. Submissions are accepted on a continuous basis, though it is advisable to submit by February 15 for the first issue, and by May 15 for the second issue.
  • Links



Editorial Process: Submission, Reviews, Camera Ready, Copyright Transfer, Post Publishing

The following steps are followed during a paper lifecycle:

  1. The proposal (Submission, PDF file, only in English) will be sent to the editor in chief.
  2. Acknowledgment is sent to the corresponding author within ten days
  3. The manuscript is assigned to two journal reviewers for blind reviews. During submision you have an opportunity to suggest potential reviewers (minimum three scientists working into the field of the paper) to evaluate your proposal. The editorial board encourage you to make use of this opportunity and will select one of them to evaluate your paper. Only reviewers from centres outside the journal's and author's country of origin can be suggested. The reviewers know who the authors of the manuscript are, but the authors do not have access to the information of who the peer-reviewers are, even they have suggested potential reviewers.
  4. The review, the acceptance/rejection recommendation and comments are sent to the editor within four weeks.
  5. The corresponding author will receive the review with the following recommendations: Accepted as is; Accepted after minor revision; Accepted conditional upon a major revision; or rejected.
  6. If the proposal require revision, the authors will submit the revised manuscript within a month after receiving the editorial board decision.
  7. The final acceptance/rejection decision will be made no later than one month after reception of revised manuscript.
  8. If the proposal is accepted, the corresponding author will send the manuscript prepared using a LaTeX typesetting system (compatible with MikTeX package) within a month after receiving the editorial board decision.
  9. By policy, the Publisher owns the copyright for the articles it publishes. After the paper acceptance the corresponding author will receive the electronic version of the copyright transfer form. The LaTeX file (camera ready version) corresponding to the accepted version will be sent accompanied by a signed copyright transfer form.

